A Journey of Self-Awareness and Renewal in Christ

As believers, it is not God’s plan for us to lead lives entrenched in anxiety, fear, and stress. That does not mean we will not experience those feelings sometimes, but they are a byproduct of worldly values. We were not reborn into the world system but were born again, through Christ, outside of it.

Unfortunately, many believers unknowingly or mistakenly continue to follow the principles of this worldly system, resulting in a life characterized by fear, anxiety, and stress. To live as God designed, we must stop practicing worldly principles and develop more personal awareness of who we are in Christ and who we are called to be.

The Importance of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is an essential part of our renewal and transformation. It helps us in understanding our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. It’s critical for personal growth and cultivating healthy relationships, including our most important relationship—our relationship with Jesus Christ. Have you reflected on your level of awareness recently?

God has plans for our lives, but there are thought processes, conduct, and behaviors that hinder Him from fulfilling them. His power isn’t limited, but our sins, behaviors, and misaligned thoughts prevent Him from blessing us the way He desires to. It pains Him to see anyone live purposeless lives because we were created for so much more. Many let pain and rejection define them, leading some to believe the lie from the devil that they are not valuable. God values every person, but if we don’t value ourselves, God’s valuation doesn’t manifest in our lives.

The Ongoing Journey of Transformation

When we accept Christ, we are transformed, and our spirits are made new. However, our old selves, our “old man,” still need to change, which requires active participation. God grants us the capacity for change, but the renewal of our minds is a responsibility that lies with us. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul tells us that anyone in Christ is a new creation, and old things have passed away.

Our minds need to align with this newness. If we are not proactive about renewing our minds, we will default to the old programming in our old nature. We will not experience the fullness of our renewal. We must take the steps to renew our minds and align them with God’s word. God does not wish to interfere with our minds, as He desires followers who love Him by their choosing, not robots who are compelled to do so.

A change within is necessary, but God needs our permission (Rev. 3:20) and participation to shape us and to see His will take effect in our lives. God will not alter our minds. As followers of Christ, our old thought patterns and attitudes must be changed by us. Our thoughts govern our lives; they shape our beliefs, feelings, and interactions, highlighting just how vital it is to be careful about the thoughts we let inhabit our minds.

You have to do something and put on the new nature, the regenerated self, created in God’s image—like God in true righteousness and holiness. The Bible says we not only have to renew our minds but also do this intentionally and continuously. To truly transform, we must renew our minds and align our thoughts with our reborn spirits by surrendering to the Holy Spirit.

“…that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.” – Ephesians 4:22-24 NKJV

Surrendering to the Holy Spirit

Being “renewed in the spirit” goes beyond a superficial change; it indicates a deep spiritual and mental transformation led by the Holy Spirit. But we cannot achieve this transformation with flesh alone; it requires the alignment of our mind and spirit. By surrendering our minds to the Holy Spirit, we initiate a transformative process that aligns our thoughts, emotions, and responses with God’s will. The Holy Spirit will help develop self-awareness.

Self-Awareness and Repentance

Self-awareness is akin to self-analysis, integral to our relationships with others and with God. It’s a beacon that can guide us even when we stray. The parable in Luke 15:17-18 illustrates the transformative power of self-awareness. It depicts a wayward son who, upon realizing his mistakes, decides to return to his father. Sin can be humbling, but with repentance, genuine change can occur. Repentance involves more than mere acknowledgment; it requires a change of heart and consistent effort.You have to become aware of how far you have come from what you know is right and make a course correction.

Living Righteously in a Complex World

Our thoughts shape our identity and affect our emotions and beliefs. Recognizing the power of thought provokes a more mindful and discerning approach to the ideas we permit to infiltrate our minds.

We must be vigilant and discerning about our thoughts, as they shape who we are and influence our feelings and beliefs. We must proactively renew our minds, aligning them with righteousness and holiness, as followers who love God by choice, not compulsion.

Personal awareness in our faith journey is essential. Genuine transformation requires self-awareness, a heartfelt desire to change, consistent effort, and a relationship anchored in Christ. There are no perfect people. We are all growing, so we must understand the world we live in and how to operate in this world with the Word and principles of God so that we can succeed, no matter what’s happening around us.

How are you aligning your thoughts and actions with God’s divine design and righteousness? Reflect on the role of personal awareness and internal change in your journey and consider the steps you can take to renew your mind and embrace the transformation offered through faith in Christ.


The information expressed above is excerpted from the sermon Out With The Old; In With The New Pt 2 “Renewing the mind: Awareness” by Dr. Lee A. Simpson. You can listen to the complete sermon on our YouTube channel.

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