The Kingdom of God: A Present Reality and Eternal Promise
The Meaning of the Kingdom of God
What does the phrase “kingdom of God” bring to mind when you hear it? Fluffy clouds, baby angels, harps, and singing? Or maybe peace, joy, and eternal happiness in some far-off future afterlife? As someone who has grown up in the Western world full of “democracy” and “the power of the people,” it can be challenging to grasp what it means to be a kingdom citizen fully. It is so contrary to what we are taught that even when you know the literal definition of the words, it doesn’t really click.
A recent conversation with a good friend made this point jump out at me. We were having a conversation shortly after service, as we often do, and he explained how he has been working to redefine the way he classifies himself as a believer. Modern usage has diluted and watered down the term “Christian,” stripping it of its original meaning and introducing a lot of leeway and ambiguity. He explained that he wanted to align himself with a stricter definition, which, to me, made sense.
Redefining Identity: Becoming Kingdom Citizens
To see yourself as a “kingdom citizen” is a much stronger categorization. As a believer, being a citizen of a kingdom—specifically the Kingdom of God—means living under the authority, protection, and guidance of a sovereign King, who is God. Striving for more than just belonging to a community and instead embracing a way of life that reflects the values, priorities, and culture of God’s reign.
Faith in Jesus Christ, rather than nationality, race, or achievements, grants citizenship in God’s kingdom. It involves recognizing God as the ultimate ruler over all creation and aligning your life with His will. It also involves acknowledging Jesus as King, obeying His commands, and participating in His mission to bring heaven’s reality to earth.
Heaven on Earth: The Present Reality of God’s Kingdom
The Kingdom of God is not a distant promise but a present reality intended to transform lives and align our hearts with heaven. It transforms lives here and now. As believers, God calls us to align with Heaven, embrace His will in our daily walk, and reflect His Kingdom through our actions. This alignment brings transformation, purpose, and a sense of mission. It brings us to the heart of spiritual warfare, a battle between the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness.
In Matthew 3:2, John the Baptist declared, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand. ” This proclamation initiated a divine offensive against the forces of darkness. Jesus expanded this proclamation by preaching the good news of the Kingdom, offering salvation, healing, and deliverance. These acts were signs of His divine mission and invitations to experience the fullness of God’s Kingdom today.
The Battle Within: Spiritual Warfare and the Kingdom of God
A war is taking place for our souls—a battle between light and darkness. The only way out of the kingdom of darkness is Jesus Christ and the truth of the Gospel. Satan is fighting fiercely to keep those he has—to keep them blinded and living with the wrong perspective and to keep believers from interceding and walking in the purpose, privilege, and power granted to them as heirs with Christ and citizens of the kingdom of God.
Spiritual warfare is the struggle between the Kingdom of God and the forces of darkness. This battle was first revealed in Genesis 3:15, where God declared enmity between the seed of the woman (Jesus) and the serpent (Satan). This pronouncement signaled the beginning of a cosmic conflict.
Satan’s strategy in this war is to oppose God’s plans and derail destinies. He blinds the minds of unbelievers, distorts values, and leads people away from the truth of Jesus. He accuses believers in the courts of heaven, seeking to make them feel unworthy of their relationship with God to keep believers from walking authority.
We see this in 2 Corinthians 4:4, where Paul states, “In their case the god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Additionally, we see that Satan accuses believers in Zechariah 3:1, where it is written: “Then the guiding angel showed me Joshua the high priest [representing disobedient, sinful Israel] standing before the [a]Angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at Joshua’s right hand to be his adversary and to accuse him.”
Despite these tactics, believers are called to stand firm, knowing there is no neutral ground. Every soul belongs to the Kingdom of Light or the Kingdom of Darkness, and the battlefield is our daily lives. We must engage in spiritual warfare by standing on God’s promises, resisting the enemy, and walking in faith.
Jesus’ Mission: Salvation, Healing, and Deliverance for All
Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and restore what sin had broken. Rooted in salvation, healing, and deliverance, His ministry fulfilled God’s promises and offered hope to a fallen world. In Luke 4:18, Jesus declares He is anointed to bring good news to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, and set the oppressed free. The mission embraced all who needed healing and restoration, regardless of their perceived “worthiness.”
Jesus’ ministry also demonstrated that healing is a birthright for believers. Isaiah prophesied that “by His stripes, we are healed,” and this promise was fulfilled through Jesus’ sacrifice. Healing is not something earned; it is a gift received through faith. Believers are called to trust in God’s Word, pray boldly, and stand firm in the promises of healing and deliverance.
Prayer as a Weapon: Advancing the Kingdom Through Intercession
Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons in spiritual warfare. It enables believers to partner with God in bringing His will to earth. Intercessory prayer, as seen in Acts 12:5, can lead to miraculous interventions, such as Peter’s release from prison. Through prayer, believers can intercede for those trapped in darkness, sow seeds of the Gospel, and open the door for the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts. We plant the seeds; the Holy Spirit will draw hearts to Jesus.
Prayer requires perseverance and faith. It is not only about presenting requests to God but also about standing firm in spiritual battles. As believers, we must pray for the lost, trust God’s timing, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide our witness. In doing so, we become active participants in the advancement of the Kingdom.
Shining Bright: Reflecting the Kingdom in a Dark World
God calls on believers to reflect the light of His Kingdom in a dark and broken world. Our lives are living testimonies of the Gospel, and through them, we can point others to Jesus. This calling requires boldness and authenticity. We must let our light shine, making the Word of God real to those around us. Sharing the Gospel is not about condemning others but offering hope and pointing to the solution in Jesus Christ.
Faith in Action: Standing Firm on God’s Promises
Resist the enemy by standing on God’s promises. Declare healing, freedom, and victory over every attack. You don’t have to accept it if it’s not from God. Root your faith and perspective in the truth of God’s Word rather than the chaos of the world. Stand firm amid trials, knowing God’s power is working within you. Remember, your external environment doesn’t determine your inner reality.
Victory Assured: Living as Overcomers in the Kingdom of Light
The Kingdom of God guarantees victory over the forces of darkness. Through Jesus, we are transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light (Colossians 1:13). This victory is not just for our benefit but equips us to share the Gospel, stand firm in spiritual battles, and bring others into the light.
Believers are not passive participants in God’s plan. We are soldiers in His Kingdom, called to pray, proclaim the Gospel, and live as testimonies of His grace. Jesus Christ has already won the battle, empowering us to walk in freedom and lead others to the same victory. Let us boldly embrace this calling, knowing we are part of God’s eternal Kingdom and purpose.
The information expressed above is excerpted from the sermon “The Kingdom of God & Spiritual Warfare” preached by Dr. Lee A. Simpson. You can listen to the complete sermon on our YouTube channel.
Jonathan Craddock is a licensed minister at Faith Clinic Christian Center Church and has been a dedicated Christian and follower of Jesus Christ for over 12 years. He enjoys deep diving into scripture, learning about God, faith, and walking with Jesus. He is a writer for the blog “God & Gospel: Faith for Life,” and his vision is to help people to understand and apply the sermons they hear, the word of God, and their relationship with God.
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Another great post, Min. Jon! Very well written. This teaching, training for kingdom living as I view it, is riveting.