Author: Jonathan Craddock

Jonathan Craddock is a licensed minister at Faith Clinic Christian Center Church and has been a dedicated Christian and follower of Jesus Christ for over 12 years. He enjoys deep diving into scripture, learning about God, faith, and walking with Jesus. He is a writer for the blog “God & Gospel: Faith for Life,” and his vision is to help people to understand and apply the sermons they hear, the word of God, and their relationship with God.
  • Embracing the ways of the Kingdom

    Embracing The Ways Of The Kingdom

    What truly matters as a believer is following Jesus, prioritizing the kingdom, and embracing kingdom principles. The kingdom is of immeasurable value, and God brought us into His kingdom through His beloved son Jesus Christ. Understanding your value to the kingdom that God has brought you into will change your demeanor, mindset, and focus. We are children of God and citizens of the kingdom of heaven and should be acting as such.

  • Living Out Your Faith

    Living Out Your Faith

    It is more important than ever that we, as believers, live out our faith. God needs His people to stand out and be visible, to step forward and shine for others to see. He wants you to be loud about what you believe, your love for Jesus, and the principles of God. God did not call you to fade away into the background but to be front and center so the people around you can see Christ in you. He wants you to live out your faith so that others can see it in how you live and your testimony and receive His gift of salvation through Jesus.

  • The Power of Choice

    The Power of Choice

    God has given every person the ability to choose. To make choices about what they believe, speak, and do with their lives. We all make choices in life, both good and bad, sometimes with great intentions and sometimes without much thought. Life is choice driven, and your choices become the decisions that profoundly impact your life and the lives of those around you. Whom will you choose today?

  • The Power of Affirmation

    The Power of Affirmation

    As Christians, we believe in the power of prayer and affirmations of faith in God. Not affirmations as the world do, meaning a statement said with confidence about a perceived truth, but affirmations built on the truth, the word of God.

  • Taking Dominion

    Taking Dominion of Your Thoughts

    What thoughts are filling your mind today? Is it fear? Past or future failures? Lack in your life? The thoughts you think will grow and be sustained by what you feed them, whether good or bad. Refuse to hold onto the thoughts that are hurting you. Your faith will manifest God’s will in your life, or your fear will manifest what you fear (Job 3:25). Your thoughts influence and control your actions and expectations.

  • Developing a Kingdom Mindset

    Developing a Kingdom Mindset

    As believers, we must renew our minds and learn to develop a kingdom mindset or way of thinking. We must replace our existing way of thinking with a kingdom way of thinking. Without a kingdom mindset, you are distracted, overwhelmed, and influenced by all the distractions seeking your attention, making you less effective in and for the Kingdom of God. We must let go of our old thinking and adopt a new mindset, a fundamental change in our approach and assumptions in life.

  • Trusting God's Will For Your Life

    Trusting God’s Will For Your Life

    Trusting God’s will and His plan for our lives is the most important thing we can do as believers. God’s plan for our life is much better than any plan we can come up with or find for our lives. It will not always look or develop as you expect, but trust that God knows best and only wants what is best for us.

  • Gods Will For Your Life

    God’s Will For Your Life

    We aren’t here by accident, and God did not make a mistake. God created you and me with a divine purpose and plan. He has a plan for us! Isn’t that comforting? I know that it is for me. With so much going on in life, it can be overwhelming to figure out what you should do.

  • Courageous Faith

    God has placed much more in believers than we realize, and some of those things require courageous faith and pressure to bring out of us. The right kind and amount of pressure to see the impurities brought out of us and the Godly righteousness developed in us. God is not caught off guard by your prayers or the situations in your life. He is ahead of it with an answer. Put your trust in His hands rather than anything else, and be willing to risk everything because you trust in Him.