Developing a Kingdom Mindset

Many Christians go through life shackled to their old lifestyle patterns, habits, and mindsets and do not walk in the freedom, peace, and victory God has for them. When you do not, on purpose, make an effort to renew your mind, to take on the mindset developed from the word of God and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, you allow yourself to walk in bondage. Bound by the lies of your old mindset and unable to step forward fully and without restraint into the fullness God has planned for you. Unable to be used fully by the Holy Spirit to bring glory and honor unto God.

Being bound is not the life that Jesus calls us to walk in. Quite the opposite. Jesus said that we would have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10) and that we would know the truth and that truth would set us free (John 8:32). Free from the lies keeping many tied to old mindsets and patterns.

As believers, we must renew our minds and learn to develop a kingdom mindset or way of thinking. We must replace our existing way of thinking with a kingdom way of thinking. Without a kingdom mindset, you are distracted, overwhelmed, and influenced by all the distractions seeking your attention, making you less effective in and for the Kingdom of God. We must let go of our old thinking and adopt a new mindset, a fundamental change in our approach and assumptions in life.

Will you continue to walk in the patterns of your old self, or will you cling to Jesus and His example and put on the new man, the new creation that you were transformed into when you stepped up in faith to receive Jesus as Lord and savior? (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Do not be afraid or walk in fear of falling or failing, we all have moments of weakness and struggle, but we are not alone. The Holy Spirit will lead you and help you keep a kingdom focus and walk in all that God has for you in everything and every area of your life. Cast off that which feels comfortable and safe but keeps you bound by a worldly perspective, and take on the mindset and focus by faith that leads to life, joy, peace, and purpose – the kingdom mindset.

What is a “Kingdom Mindset?”

If you’ve been a Christian for any length, you will often hear the word “Kingdom” thrown around. We talk about winning souls for the kingdom, building wealth for the kingdom, and doing things with a kingdom mindset, but what does that mean? We must develop a kingdom mindset, which will lead to freedom and purpose, but what exactly is a kingdom mindset? What does it look like when you have one? It is a question that I didn’t critically ask myself until almost a decade into my faith journey, and it is a question I find myself revisiting the more I study the word and learn about God.

As a person born and raised in a democratic republic, where the people of a nation take part in the decisions that dictate how it’s run, it can be challenging to understand a kingdom and see things from that perspective. At its simplest, a kingdom consists of a few standard things: there must be a king, subjects the king rules over, laws and ordinances from the king that dictate how His citizens live their lives, and of course, a territory which the king rules.

With those facts established, what does this mean for you and me as believers? God(Jesus) must be and is the king, and we are the subjects over whom He rules. He rules His Kingdom through laws and ordinances established in His word (which tells us His will), and our lives are the territory He rules over. Our hearts, soul, and every area of our lives should be submitted to Him.

So then, a  kingdom mindset is a purposefully set mind on pursuing the Kingdom of God, living by and according to His word, and seeking to see the Kingdom of God, its governing principles, and results in your life. It is the perspective through which we should view the world and a way of thinking that recognizes God’s hand in and on your life and His sovereignty or authority over it. It is seeing how the world does things and choosing to do and focus on how God does things according to His word.

A kingdom mindset will impact and change every aspect of our lives. It will affect our personal lives, marriages, families, and churches. If we allow God to reign in all areas of life, we will see His guidance, provision, and presence.

“Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you,”Matthew 6:33

Of course, when we seek the kingdom and a kingdom mindset, we seek God, but more specifically, we seek His will on earth. It’s not about us as individuals. The Kingdom of God is the manifestation of His will on earth. Jesus came to introduce the Kingdom of God and the gospel, or good news. The gospel is the good news of the kingdom that we can be forgiven through faith in Jesus Christ and be brought into the kingdom forever. Satan wants to shut down the gospel of the kingdom.

How do you develop a kingdom mindset?

If you don’t develop a kingdom mindset, you cannot receive the benefits from the kingdom or experience the internal changes brought about by the Holy Spirit when we focus on God and our minds are set on Him.

You and I, as believers, are citizens of a different kingdom. We must see how He (God) sees and live the way He instructs us to live, not as the world does from the outside in, but from the inside out. God wants to reveal and unveil himself to us. There is a revealing and knowing that only comes from the spirit showing it to us. So then, how do you develop a kingdom mindset? A kingdom mindset is not something you develop overnight or achieve and never think about again. It is a day-by-day and moment-to-moment journey. We must learn to do several things consistently and in every area of our lives to develop a kingdom mindset.

Repent and Receive Jesus as Lord and savior.

Jesus calls for everyone to repent, which is the most critical step in developing a kingdom mindset, for without it, nothing else matters. What does it mean to repent? Why did Jesus command us to repent? When you repent, you recognize your sinful state, acknowledge that how you’ve been living is incorrect, and show sincere remorse for how you have lived. It is seeking forgiveness from God and having a change of mind that results in a change of action. To repent is to turn away from sin and turn instead to God.

When a person repents, seeks forgiveness, and acknowledges Jesus Christ as their savior, who took our punishment in our place, they are reconciled with God. Jesus is our mediator, and He is reconciling us with God.

“that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting people’s sins against them [but canceling them]. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation [that is, restoration to favor with God].” 2 Corinthians 5:19 (AMP)

We are adopted into His family because of our faith in Jesus. God is not counting sin but working on you because you are in the kingdom. Strive to live your life in a way that proves repentance.

Recognize that having a kingdom mindset is the will of God.

Having a kingdom mindset is the will of God for us. There are over 60 references to the “kingdom of God” in the new testament. God desires that we possess and operate from a Kingdom mindset, from a disposition ruled by Him, i.e., His perspective, will, purposes, plans, and desires that decide our responses to situations.

Surrender your will to God and allow Him to direct your path.

Surrendering to God’s will for your life is vital. His will should take first place in your life. This does not mean there cannot be other things, but you must recognize His will and commit to serving Him first. It is not what I think, want, or feel, but what does God want or say? Whatever or whoever you put first in your life controls every other aspect of your life, so make God first and let Him direct your path (Proverbs 3:6). Surrender your will in every area, in big things and in small.

Seek the Lord with all your heart and ask Him to reveal his will for your life.

You must learn how to relate to God. When you learn to have a relationship with God, your mistakes will become less and less because your focus will be on Him. When you diligently seek the Lord with all your heart, you will find Him, and He will reveal His will for you through His word.

Pray, study the word, and strive to be kingdom oriented

You must change your inner self to develop a kingdom mindset and be kingdom oriented. You can’t change your inner self without changing your inner thoughts. When you study the word, your thoughts change and align with what God’s word says.

“From that time Jesus began to preach and say, “[a]Repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life], for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”Matthew 4:17 (AMP)

You don’t have to pray like someone trying to get in to see God; pray like someone that knows they’re already in and belong. Identify yourself with the relationship and pray from that. Pray as a member of God’s family, not someone on the outside looking in. Matthew 6:9-10

Be obedient to the Lord, and do what He tells you

The world and those around you are watching. As Christians living in a world that’s watching our every move, how we respond to adversity can be the greatest witnessing tool we have at our disposal.

Do what He tells you to do, even if it is difficult and goes against what you want. As followers of Christ, our mindset should be, “God is in charge; I am not. My priority is His glory, the advancement of the gospel and kingdom.” If that means you experience pain or grief or loss so that others can see Christ through you, then let it be so. When we obey the Lord, we also have access to all the provisions needed to accomplish what He has given us to do.

Regardless of how you feel or how things look, obey the Lord! We do not know who or how many our obedience will help the Lord reach. One day someone may come to faith by hearing the Gospel preached and seeing it lived out in your life for the glory of God.

Minister to others in the name of Jesus

When you are kingdom-oriented and kingdom-focused, you see things the way God sees things. You love the things God loves, and He will use you to reach others around you. To minister to them and let the light of God’s love and glory shine in you and through you. To share the gospel with them and show them God’s love. Be encouraged to boldly speak the Word of God in love, compassion, and understanding.

When we do these things, our minds steadfastly stay on the Lord and the kingdom of God. Our focus and our thoughts are changed. As we seek the kingdom and draw nearer to God, and He will draw near to us, changing us and growing us. His presence and love grow in us, and we begin to let our light shine and draw others to Jesus to be reconciled to our heavenly father. How amazingly wonderful is that!



Writing this article has helped me reflect on how far I have come in my relationship with myself and God. I thoroughly enjoyed expanding upon what was once just a topic of breakfast fellowship.  I pray that it also helped to encourage you. Keep an eye out for my next article, where I discuss “My Kingdom Assignment.”

The information expressed above is excerpted from the sermon “Developing a Kingdom Mindset” preached by Dr. Lee A. Simpson.

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