Kingdom Living: Walking in Faith, Growing in Purpose

Every one of us has been born again with a gift, and Satan wants to detach and distract us from our destiny and the purpose God has for us. He weighs us down, as Jesus says, with the cares of life. The trials and troubles in our lives can weigh so heavy on our souls that the seeds that have been sown in us can be choked out.

Satan wants to press you down and make you quit, but God has a destiny for your life. God wants to use some of the very things you’ve been through as a strength to carry others through. Your weakness can become your strength if you don’t rely on your strength but on the strength of Him who is in you and died for you.

There are some things that God did not cause to happen, but He will use those things to bring out seeds of greatness within you. He has embedded in every person things He wants to draw out and grow. It takes trusting in Him and walking in faith to grow in His purpose for you. What God wants to do in your life is no shallow thing.

God’s Purpose for Your Life

You are not here by accident. You are here for a reason. God’s plan and purpose for you and me is much greater than we can imagine or understand. He is not through with you. He is not angry and trying to get you. His thoughts toward you are for good and not evil; He wants to draw you to Him. As Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) reminds us:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

For God to say, “I know what I’m thinking about you,” means that you are on His mind. You are NOT an afterthought. He has placed within you gifts and abilities that He desires to develop for His glory and to use to help those around you. This process requires faith, trust, and a willingness to walk in step with His plan, even when things seem to take too long, or you feel too broken or lacking in resources to be used by God.

Walking in Faith and Trusting God’s Timing

Jesus sees your brokenness and the broken areas in your life and wants to see you healed and whole. He doesn’t look at what you have or do not have as a limitation; He looks at what you will or will not do as a limitation. He wants to partner with us and see us choose to follow His leading but at the right time. We cannot get ahead of His plan for us.

There is a set time for everything or a season in which God wants to do things. Wait for His leading. Can you take silence as an answer to your prayers? Walking in faith means waiting for God’s timing and not rushing ahead of Him. As Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV) states:

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

Scripture shows that even Jesus submitted to His Father’s timing, waiting to begin His ministry until the appointed time and following through on the necessary process. He first submitted to His mother when He was a child, and again, we see Jesus submit to John’s authority before He began to operate on the earth. God has strategically placed people in your life to help guide you to your destiny, just as John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus (Mark 1:2-4).

Jesus demonstrates the importance of submission and obedience in God’s kingdom. God operates by authority and order. You cannot follow His leading without being under authority. If you rush or seek to do things on your own, you defy God’s authority and open doors that allow the devil to attack you. Wisdom and protection come through submission and obedience, so surrender your will to the Lord and allow Him to lead you.

Living a Repentant Life

To become a citizen of heaven and walk in the kingdom of God requires belief, faith, and repentance. Repentance is not about avoiding hell but preserving and keeping our relationship with Jesus strong.

It is a pathway to transformation and renewal; a gift God has given us. Repentance is our response to God’s boundless grace and mercy, a way to draw near God’s heart. More than feeling sorry or regretting our actions, repentance involves changing both mind and heart and turning to God.

Inviting Him into the broken places in our lives and allowing Him to reshape, reform, and transform our lives. It will enable Him to transform, heal, and renew the broken places in our lives. The amplified translation of Mark 1:15 beautifully presents this:

“Repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life] and believe [with a deep, abiding trust] in the good news [regarding salvation].”

Transformation in behavior, words, and deeds is required for kingdom living. The Lord Jesus wants us to transform and change our inner selves and follow the boundaries, expectations, and conditions required to grow our relationship with Him. God is not looking for a reason to send people to hell. He is looking for every way to keep people out of hell and to lead them to Jesus, so that we can have a relationship with Him.

Embracing Kingdom Authority, and Purpose

As followers of Christ, we are called to be in the world but not of it (John 17:14-16). The world’s values are rooted in lust, pride, and selfishness (1 John 2:16). Yet, our identity as children of God sets us apart. Galatians 4:6-7 (KJV) affirms:

“And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.”

You are not defined by the opinions of others or the standards of this world. Your citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20), and you have been given kingdom authority to operate on earth and in heaven (Matthew 18:18).

Through Christ, we have been resurrected and seated with Him in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:4-6). This position reflects the incredible privilege we have as children of God. We are part of God’s family, equipped to fulfill His purpose and represent His kingdom on earth.

The Battle for Your Identity

The devil is not confused about who you are. He is seeking to confuse you and blind you to your identity in Christ and the way God sees you. He aims to blind you to your identity in Christ, tempting you to conform to the world and act as the world does. Satan wants to destroy the works God wants to do in you and through you, but remember:

“You are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world” John 15:19, ESV.

When you are not conformed to this world, you can live out God’s word and conform to His will. There should be a change in who you are and how you act. The world may resist and criticize your transformation, but do not apologize for living as a citizen of heaven. Your light will expose darkness, and some may feel convicted or uncomfortable.

Stand firm in your identity, knowing God has called you to be different. What people think or say about you doesn’t matter; only what God expects and says about you matters. Don’t allow yourself to be brought down to the level of the world’s naysayers, critics, and judgmental people.


Kingdom living requires faith, repentance, submission, and a deep understanding of your identity in Christ. God is not looking for ways to condemn you but to restore, transform, and equip you to fulfill your purpose. He is the ultimate fixer, capable of mending every broken place in your life.

As you walk in faith and grow in purpose, remember this truth: You are a child of God, a citizen of heaven, and an heir to His kingdom. Live boldly and unapologetically for Him.



The information expressed above is excerpted from the sermon “Transformation Kingdom Living – Walking In Faith, Growing In Purpose” preached by Dr. Lee A. Simpson. You can listen to the complete sermon on our YouTube channel.

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