Recent Posts

  • Courageous Faith

    God has placed much more in believers than we realize, and some of those things require courageous faith and pressure to bring out of us. The right kind and amount of pressure to see the impurities brought out of us and the Godly righteousness developed in us. God is not caught off guard by your prayers or the situations in your life. He is ahead of it with an answer. Put your trust in His hands rather than anything else, and be willing to risk everything because you trust in Him.

  • Seeds for The Supernatural

    When the storms of life come, it can be easy to forget what God has said and be overwhelmed by the conditions around you. Do not allow the frustration of falling short, failing, or facing challenges to keep you from moving forward. God has seeded you with everything you need for the challenges and storms in and around you. The word of God is a seed designed to produce results in you and your life. God supplies seeds for us to help us with whatever problem or situation we face in life. He plants His seed in us so we can be, do, and have what He has for us.

  • It Is Time to Shine!

    You don’t have to look very far to find evidence of the dark and evil things taking place in the world today. We are inundated with it in the news, […]