Seeds for The Supernatural

We will all face storms in our life, and it can be easy to see ourselves as the victim, to see things as out of our control, but every storm in your life is waiting for you to speak to it and seed it with your words. What you speak will be produced in your life, be it words of faith or fear. You will bring about what you say, so sow a seed of faith for whatever is in your life that you want to change.

Speaking words of faith, hope, and encouragement will cause you to approach every situation with a victorious attitude. You will trust God and His ability to provide for you. Likewise, if you speak words of fear, frustration, and hopelessness, you will see everything as impossible to change or overcome and approach it with a defeated attitude. Your thoughts will shape everything within you and around you, positioning you to either fail or succeed because they color your outlook on everything you face. Your view will influence the words you speak, bringing life or death into every situation.

When the storms of life come, it can be easy to forget what God has said and be overwhelmed by the conditions around you. Do not allow the frustration of falling short, failing, or facing challenges to keep you from moving forward. God has seeded you with everything you need for the challenges and storms in and around you. The word of God is a seed designed to produce results in you and your life. God supplies seeds for us to help us with whatever problem or situation we face in life. He plants His seed in us so we can be, do, and have what He has for us.

“Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness,” 2 Corinthians 9:10

God does not ask us to come up with the seed, but He does expect us to learn to use the word He has given us. Satan understands the power of the seed God sows into us and the impact it can have on us and our lives, so he comes immediately to try and steal it. He knows the seed will provide whatever you need to meet your needs and wants to disrupt, delay, and deny it in your life.

“11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. 12 Those by the wayside are the ones who hear; then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.Luke 8:11-12

If Satan is unsuccessful in stealing the word from your heart, he plants his seeds amongst the word in you to confuse and muddy things. Satan tries to replace the word of God you read, hear, and hide in your heart with unforgiveness, anger, hopelessness, anxiety, and fear. To convince you to complain, give up, and speak words of fear and death. He wants to distract and detach you so that you focus on the wrong things and convince yourself that his seeds are your thoughts and take no action against them.

Satan wants you to use his corrupted seed as your foundation instead of God’s word, so no change or fruit is produced in your life. When you speak based on the seeds he (Satan) has sown into you or get caught up in your emotions and speak from a place of fear, frustration, or pride, your words are empty and have no power behind them. Without the word of God as your foundation, there is no power or production in what you speak.

As believers, we must learn to recognize that there are thoughts(seeds) that aren’t our own and cast them down—keeping them from running free in our minds and hearts. What you think and the thoughts you allow to linger will produce fruit in your life. You will begin to speak those things and give them authority to move in your life.

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” – Proverbs 4:23 (NLT)

You must guard your heart with all diligence because it determines the course of your life. Allow the word of God to take root in your heart and speak it. Your deliverance, freedom, and transformation are in the word of God.

Whatever you are dealing with, whatever problem or situation you face, there is a word(of God) for it. Whenever I am faced with a challenging situation or circumstance in my own life, no matter how big or small, I will look for a scripture to cover the challenge and meditate on it. Thank God in advance for meeting my need based on His word and declaring it true and at work in my life. It isn’t always easy, but it is always worth it.

Focus and meditate on the word of God, and keep your mind filled with His word, so that the devil has no room to contaminate your mind. When you meditate on God’s word, you are renewing your mind and giving no room for the words and seeds of the devil to take root in you.

We must allow our minds to be renewed and work to renew them daily, aligning them with God’s word. If you do not renew your mind, you will walk in the patterns of the old you. You will not resist the trespassing thoughts in your mind because you are familiar with them and have grown accustomed to them being there. What are you nurturing right now that you think is of value? Are you keeping something that is destroying you?

The key to changing your life is following the direction of the Holy Spirit and getting into the word of God, your Bible. He(the Holy Spirit) will strengthen you and help you resist and cast down the thoughts that do not belong. He wants to guide you to speak nothing but words of faith. To help you speak from your position and your new transformed condition with faith in God and the work of Jesus on the cross.

Jesus has already paid the price for your freedom and set you free (John 8:36). He paid your ransom and nothing against God and His word is supposed to rule over you again. Jesus has already set you free and no devil can change that fact. No sin can control you because the word of God has said that the law of the spirit of life has set you free from the laws of sin and death (Romans 8:2). Sin can no longer rule you because Jesus set you free from it. You no longer have the nature of sin, but the nature of God which is righteousness.

He does not call you by your past sin, failure, or mistakes. He calls you His son, His daughter. Your past actions do not define you. Only by looking to the word of God can you truly discover who God has called you to be.

The word has been sown in you to deal with the storms and situations in your life. When you understand what’s in you, and what Jesus has done for you, it will change what’s around you. Allow the word of God to take root in your heart and speak to that challenge or situation. The seeds have been planted in you, but you must release them with your mouth by faith. You must speak life to a dead situation, have hope in the face of hopelessness, and you must choose to believe that you are in God’s hands no matter what you feel or how difficult the situation may appear. Study the word of God, confess the word of God, and remind yourself of the word of God whenever the devil tries to sell you his lies.

Focus on your faith declaration and allow the seeds in you to change what is around you. Don’t focus on challenges that show up in your life but speak and declare something by faith according to the word of God and rest in it. Do not allow the circumstances or events around you to become a supplement for your faith, to replace your faith-filled declarations. Focus on your faith-filled position rather than the conditions and problems around you, and trust in God.


The information expressed above is excerpted from the sermon “Seeds for the Supernatural” by Dr. Lee A. Simpson. You can listen to the complete sermon on our YouTube channel in parts one, two, and three.

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